HARDBACK • 144 pages • size 24 x 30.7
Contents: 175 Vectorial Designs (109 Patterns + 66 Prints) with 1 free DVD included
1st Edition: June 2018
Authors: Vincenzo Sguera - Michele Moricci
ISBN 9788888766485
Never a look was so well suited to its target, in this case the male, as that of "Outdoor" in its various facets, from Navy to Country Look, from Travel to Sport. When nostalgia is tinged with BLUE and you feel the need of its psychological certainties the Navy returns. An ever-living look, made of classic atmospheres but also sportsmanship. The variations are countless moving from the world of navigation, see the idea of the sailor and the sea voyage, to the Yacht Clubs with their symbols and their flags. Besides fishing, swimming, from the underwater world to nature and ecology with fish, shells, algae or distant beaches.
Timeless symbols, so easy to wear and live in.
These files can be used with many graphic softwares, such as ILLUSTRATOR or PHOTOSHOP.
They are suitable both for WINDOWS and MAC.
Available for purchase:
- BOOK + 1 DVD / 180€
- 175 Vector Files - AI ILLUSTRATOR v.CS6 / 130€