PAPERBACK • 416 pages • size 15 x 22.5
1st Edition: June 2023 / 2nd Edition: Feb 2024
Author: Vincenzo Sguera
ISBN 9788888766706
99.9 periodical is a good number because it makes you understand that the possibilities for finding creative ideas are not a limited number but an infinite number. Therefore this book aims to show you countless ways to discover your hidden creativity and better explore everything potential you have without limits that culture, society and yourself have always determined. A new way of thinking and creative thinking.
Why this book? By chance I had begun to write down concepts relating to creativity and the way in which I had sometimes proceeded in my creative work. Nothing rational or scientific but as I delved into the topics new ideas and ways grew in me. Furthermore, in more than 50 years of creative work done in different fields my sensitivity had grown and I no longer tried to find elsewhere and in other texts something that had been inside me for some time. I just had to question myself.
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