HARDBACK • 144 pages • size 24 x 30.7
Contents: 120 Bitmap Prints big size @300ppi plus 120 Vectorial Modular Textures / 1 free DVD included
1st Edition: January 2024
Author: Vincenzo Sguera
ISBN 9788888766720
From the Renaissance and the work of the Pre-Raphaelites the inspiration for a poetic and refined line. A new breath from the past.
This book is inspired in particular by female beauty since it is the fulcrum around which every idea of beauty revolves. Even more attractive if combined with an idea of simple and fascinating nature such as that of wild flowers, a metaphor of reality to represent each of us lost in this field that is life. The fashion of the future, among the many formal transformations, cannot ignore the inner part of everyone, their soul, which is a substance as is beauty and the feelings that generate it.
These files can be used with many graphic softwares, such as ILLUSTRATOR or PHOTOSHOP.
They are suitable both for WINDOWS and MAC.
Available for purchase:
- BOOK + 1 DVD / 180€
- 120 Bitmap Prints big size @300ppi plus 120 Vectorial Modular Textures / 130€